Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Do You Know the Standard Response Protocol?
Here are brief examples when each would be used in a school or activity setting:
"HOLD" - Keep students in classroom. Ex. A student has a seizure and medical staff need to enter the building without interruptions or distractions in the halls.
" SECURE" - No one enters or leaves the building because of a threat outside the building. Ex. Police are looking for a suspected criminal in the area near the school.
"LOCKDOWN" - Avoid, Deny, Defend. Ex. A threat is inside the building.
"EVACUATE" - Exit the building quickly and safely. Ex. A fire drill or actual fire in the building.
"SHELTER" - Take shelter in a safe area. Ex. Tornado drill or actual tornado warning in announced.
Please Join us for our Parent Information Night/Title 1 Meeting (9/15) 5:00pm
We hope you can join us for our Parent Information Night/Title 1 Meeting tonight (9/15) from 5:00-6:00pm. This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/96317706952. We hope you are able to join us!
Friday, September 11, 2020
Thermometer Distribution Program
This is follow up information for the thermometers that were distributed earlier this week. Stay well!
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Primary Picture Day (9/2)
Just a reminder that tomorrow (9/2) is SCHOOL PICTURE DAY!!📸😁You should have received a picture packet last week, if you need a replacement, please call the office and we can send one home today.
Please send your completed packet with your child to school tomorrow or complete the information/payment online. We do not collect the picture packets at the office and we are not able to make change at the office window. See you tomorrow morning - SMILE BIG!