Monday, February 23, 2015

Parent Meeting for Potential Kindergarten Students Set for March 3rd

      The annual informational meeting for parents of potential Kindergarten students for the 2015-16 School Year has been scheduled for March 3, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. in the Primary School Gym.
     Prior to and after the meeting, parents will be able to sign up their child for Kindergarten. Parents will be given information on the requirements for officially enrolling their child.  The information will include eligibility requirements, immunization requirements, physical/vision requirements and other information pertinent to enrollment.  In addition, parents will have an opportunity to meet the Kindergarten teachers.   Please plan to attend this important meeting.  If you are not able to attend, please call 432-0710 or stop by Chadron Primary School at 732 Ann Street for questions or to pick up a registration packet.
     Kindergarten Visitation Day has been scheduled for Friday, May 1, from 8:00-11:00 A.M.  During the visit, Kindergarten students for the 2015-16 School Year will have an opportunity to meet their teacher, their classmates, and learn what Kindergarten is about.
     Current Kindergarten students will not attend school on that day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

January Cardinals of the Month

     The twelve Cardinals of the Month include:
Front Row:  Collin McCoy, Macy Bach, Emmerson Landreth, Audrey Dailey (not pictured), Gianni Molina (not pictured)  - Kindergarten
Middle Row:  Brooklynn Hoffman, Julius Bauer, Ava Pyle, (not pictured ) - 1st Grade,  Devon Youngman - 2nd Grade
Back Row:  Jodean Chesley, Rylee Brennan - 2nd Grade,  Madilyn Hall - 1st Grade
     These Cardinals will enjoy a pizza lunch on Friday, February 13th.