Monday, December 15, 2014
Kindergarten Christmas Program on December 16th
The students in Kindergarten will perform at a Christmas Program at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, December 16, at the Chadron High School Auditorium. Parents of Kindergarten students are asked to have their child at the high school by 6:45 P.M. There will be signs and people to assist parents in taking their child to a classroom prior to the program. After the program, parents are asked to pick their child up in the same classroom. Happy Holidays.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Lunchroom Champions for November
Team Hoffman |
Team Ferguson |
Team Uhing |
Lunchroom Champions for the month of November are Team Hoffman, Team Uhing, and Team Ferguson. These "champions" were rewarded with ice cream on Friday, December 5th.
November Cardinals of the Month
The following students were chosen to be Cardinals of the Month: Kindergarten - Jett Jelinek, Carter Peters, Chance Simmons, Rowan Griewank, Tobin Landreth (front row); Second Grade - Jace Lien, Nevaeh Wild, Jezzy Munyiri, Sammi Broderick; First Grade - Keagan Kelso, Averielle Sager (back row), Jacob Winkler (not pictured). Congratulations!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Cardinals of the Month
Cardinals chosen for the month of October were Richard Rudloff, Taryn West, Vaughn Hinrichs, Adday Tewahade, and Aksel Lans - Kindergarten; Daniel Rasmussen, Addison Morrison, Vrasai Sayaloune, and Noah Kubo - First Grade; and Owen Wess, Talon Jelinek, and Tucker Calkins - Second Grade. Congratulations, Cardinals!
Team Claussen Collects the Winning Number of Boxtops for Education
Team Claussen's Boxtops Winners |
Team Claussen collected 1,977 Boxtops for Education during the first semester of competition. Mrs. Claussen's students were awarded with a pizza party on November 14th. The total number of boxtops that were collected was 6,698. The Kindergarten students collected 1,185 (Brayton-100; Fisher-85; Hoffman-383; Hudson-169; Landreth-448); First Grade students collected 3931 (Bounous-1,008; Gardner-438; Ferguson-587); and Second Grade students collected 1,582 (Cogdill-374; Hendrickson-761; Uhing-447)
Chadron Primary Wins Recycle Bowl
Jacki Daily and Susan Hucke from Keep Chadron Beautiful presented Chadron Primary School with a certificate check for $100 for winning 1st Place in the Keep Chadron Beautiful Recycle Bowl. Chadron Primary families recycled 1,722.5 pounds out of the 4,639 pounds that were collected by all buildings in the district to win the competition.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Chadron Primary is "In It to Win It"
Jacki Dailey and Susan Hucke from Keep Chadron Beautiful |
After Week 1 of Recycling |
Chadron Primary School is serious about recycling materials during what is being called the "Recycling Bowl." Jackie Daily and Susan Hucke from Keep Chadron Beautiful gave a presentation on October 17 to talk to our students about what materials that can be recycled during the competition between the schools in our district which started October 20 and ends November 14.
Chadron Primary is currently leading after one week of competition. At this time, our schools have collected 571 pounds of recyclables.
Keep on recycling!
Primary Book Fair Huge Success
Reagan Russell |
Winners of the Book Fair Drawings |
The Chadron Primary Book Fair made $1808.71 in sales, which will purchase approximately 175 new books for the library.
Winners of the drawings were as follows: Taylor Olson (Brayton); Carter Peters (Fisher); Matt Lien (Hoffman); Victoria Lucio (Hudson); EJ Hudson (Landreth); Hayden Byrd (Bounous); Gillian Conway (Claussen); Chelsea Stephens (Ferguson); Reese Ritterbush (Gardner); Myles Nesheim (Cogdill); Andrew Gothard (Hendrickson); and Tucker Calkins (Uhing). Congratulations winners.
The winner of the basket of books and novelties worth $100 was won byReagan Russell in Mrs. Ferguson's classroom and brought $405 for Mrs. Deniese Kelso to assist with her medical expenses.
Thanks to all of you for the great support of the book fair and the raffle for Mrs. Kelso.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Book Fair to be Held at Chadron Primary School
Chadron Primary School will host its annual Scholastic Book Fair during Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 20-21. Parents are welcome and encouraged to purchase books and other novelties during the following hours:
October 20 - 10:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.
October 21 - 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
In addition to the book fair, we are raffling off a basket of books and novelties (basket not included) worth $100. All of the proceeds will go to Deniese Kelso, a member of the Chadron Primary Staff, to help with medical expenses. Deniese had a benign tumor, but is doing well and is recuperating at home.
You may purchase a raffle ticket for $1 at the front desk. The winner will be drawn on Wednesday morning. The winner will be notified on that day. Please support this worthy cause.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Scheduled for October 20th & 21st

Chadron Primary School has scheduled its Parent-Teacher Conferences for next Monday and Tuesday, October 20-21 from 3:00-7:00 P.M. Students will be dismissed at 1:30 P.M. on both of those days.
Parents of Kindergarten and First Grade Students may come either Monday or Tuesday at the following times according to the letter of their child's last name:
Letters A through L - 3:00-5:00 P.M.
Letters M through Z - 5:00-7:00 P.M.
If parents of Kindergarten and/or First Grade students cannot come at the scheduled time, they can come anytime on Monday or Tuesday evening. If parents cannot come on either evening, they can contact their child's teacher(s) to schedule a conference at a time that they both agree on.
Parents of Second Grade Students will experience a new format for P-T Conferences this year. Parents will be provided with pertinent information in a group meeting on Monday, October 20th, at 5:30 P.M. Parents will spent approximately 30 minutes in their child's homeroom and another 30 minutes with their child's reading/Sonday/language teacher(s) to learn more specific information.
If parents of the Second Grade Students would like to conference with their child's teacher(s) on an individual basis, they may sign up in their child's classroom at the Monday evening meeting for a conference on Tuesday from 3:00-7:00 P.M.
We hope to see all of you at conferences.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Chadron Volunteer Firemen Educate Primary Students on Fire Prevention
Volunteer members of the Chadron Fire Department were in attendance at Chadron Primary School on Friday, October 10th, to give students tips on how to prevent fires and what to do in the case of a fire. Students had an opportunity to go inside one of the fire trucks, learn how the equipment is used, and how to "Stop, drop, and roll" in the case of a fire.
Thank you to the following volunteer firemen: Natasha Sabourn, Hunter Hageman, Bubba Stolley, Matt Lordino, Andrew Johanson, and Steven Boeselager for giving the presentation.
First Quarter Perfect Attendance
Kindergarten and First Grade Students (Bounous, Claussen) |
First Grade (Ferguson, Gardner) and Second Grade Students |
Friday, October 3, 2014
"Cardinals of the Month" Chosen at Chadron Primary School
September Cardinals of the Month |
Each student at Chadron Primary School can earn a Cardinal Coupon each time he/she voluntarily exhibits "acts of kindness." Each Cardinal Coupon that a student earns is put in his/her classroom jar. Each month a student's name is selected from each classroom to be a "Cardinal of the Month." The students who were chosen will be treated to a pizza party with the principal on October 17th. A student can only be a "Cardinal of the Month" once.
Chadron Primary School Will Observe Walk-to-School Day
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Coins for Kids Collection Begins
Chadron Primary School is once again participating in Pizza Hut's Coins for Kids promotion. The promotion begins today, September 2, and continues until October 23. If they wish, students can bring any coins to their classroom until then. Pizza Hut will collect the money on the 23rd, tally the coins collected in each classroom, and provide a pizza party on October 31 for the classroom that collects the most money. Please know that participation is optional.
Picture Day is Coming Soon
A photographer from Lifetouch Pictures will be photographing students at Chadron Primary School on Thursday, September 4, beginning with preschool students at 7:30 A.M. Packets were sent home the week of August 25. If you did not receive one and want to have your child's pictures taken, please stop by the school office. Your child must have their picture envelope with payment at the time his/her grade level is having their pictures taken. You may also visit to customize a package and pay online. However, you must print a receipt and send/bring the receipt at the time of your child's pictures. If you choose to purchase your picture packet online, please use the following Picture Day ID CG514344YO.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Chadron Primary Hosts Open House
The Chadron Primary School will hold their Open House on Wednesday, August 13, from 6:00-7:30 P.M. Please feel free to come anytime during those hours to meet your child's teacher and to see his/her classroom. We would like for your child to bring his/her school supplies so that they will not have to tote them on Thursday, August 14, the first day of school.
Please remember that the school hours are from 8:00 A.M. - 3:15 P.M. daily at Chadron Primary. However, school will be dismissed at 1:30 on both Thursday, August 14, and Friday, August 15.
We are excited to see all of you very soon. We are also excited about the new renovations that have been completed at our building--a new heating and cooling system and new lighting in the north classrooms.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Kindergarten Student Registration
Parents of students planning on attending Kindergarten during the 2014-15 School Year can pick up a Registration Packet or register their child with Trisha Berry at Chadron High School during the following dates and times:
Monday-Thursday from 8:00-3:00 and Friday from 8:00-12:00 from June 16-June 27 and July 14-July 17. Please register during these dates. Thank you.
Before your child can attend Kindergarten he/she must have the following:
Up to date immunizations
Social Security Card
Physical exam
Vision exam
Certified birth certificate
Monday-Thursday from 8:00-3:00 and Friday from 8:00-12:00 from June 16-June 27 and July 14-July 17. Please register during these dates. Thank you.
Before your child can attend Kindergarten he/she must have the following:
Up to date immunizations
Social Security Card
Physical exam
Vision exam
Certified birth certificate
May Lunchroom Champions
Team Hoffman-Kindergarten |
Team Claussen-1st Grade |
Team Uhing-2nd Grade |
Primary May Lunchroom Champions were rewarded with a root beer float on Friday, May 16. This month's winners were Kindergarten - Team Hoffman with 79 points; First Grade - Team Claussen with 80 points; and Second Grade - Team Uhing with 75 points. Mrs. Hoffman's Team and Mrs. Claussen's Team were first time winners. Great job students!
Chadron Public Library Summer Reading Program
Chadron Primary Students |
Fizz, Boom, Read |
Summer Reading Presentation |
The Chadron Public Library Summer Reading Program will kick off on June 2nd and will continue until July 19th. You may register your child on June 2nd from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. or any time after June 2nd.
To register, your child must be 6 months-18 years of age and must have a library card to check out books and materials. Upon registration, your child will receive a log book to record the number of minutes or title of books he/she reads. Every child who completes the program by finishing his/her log book will be invited to a final party with certificates and awards.
The library will be offering a variety of programs, giveaways, and contests all summer. You or your child may pick up a list of events. Children of all abilities are welcome.
For more information you may visit the library at 507 Bordeaux Street, call 308-432-0531, or visit them on the web at
The library's hours are as follows:
Monday - Thursday - 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Friday - 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Saturday - 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
Primary Students Awarded Perfect Attendance
Quinn, Tristin, Andrew, Beau, Alex, Paige, Danity, and Eliana |
Kindergarten - Paige Slingsby, Tristin Fry, Beau Behrends
First Grade - Alex Fisher, Andrew Gothard, Quinn Bailey, Danity Thompson, Eliana Uhing
Thursday, May 8, 2014
April Lunchroom Champions
Team Landreth-Kindergarten |
Team Hudson- 2nd Grade |
Team Bounous- 1st Grade |
The Lunchroom Champions for April were announced on Friday, May 2. The following classes were the winners: Mrs. Landreth's Kindergarten Students with 155 points, Mrs. Bounous' First Grade Students with 167 points, and Mrs. Hudson's Second Grade Students with 156 points. This month the students were rewarded with "dirt" cups.
You are "tops," students. Keep it up!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Chadron Primary Rounds Up Its New Kindergartners
Chadron Primary School held their annual Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, May 2nd. Sixty-four of the potential eighty Kindergarten students for the 2014-15 School year showed up to meet their teacher and their classmates. Kindergarten teachers Mrs. Mikel Landreth, Mrs. Tara Hoffman, and Mrs. Kristin Fisher, and substitute Mary Ann Wess (for Mrs. Melissa Brayton) were here to greet them and share some of the activities and routines that they will experience during their first year of school.
The new Kindergarten students had a great time and will hopefully be anxious to begin school in the fall of the year. The teachers are really looking forward to teaching this new group of students.
Mrs. Uhing Awarded a Great Plains Communication Grant
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Jason Collins and Eric Halverson from Great Plains Communications present Mrs. Uhing and her second graders with a $5000 check. |
Mrs. Uhing has been a leader in technology in both our building and in our district. She has a lot of innovative ideas on how to utilize technology in her classroom and has implemented many of those ideas.
Congratulations, Mrs. Uhing. You are well deserving of this award.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Primary Students Observe Walk at Lunch Day
Friday, April 4, 2014
Primary Students Attend Lightwire Performance
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The performers |
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The wires used for the production |
The students from Chadron Primary School had the privilege of attending the Lightwire Theater Performance of the Ugly Duckling and The Tortoise and the Hare sponsored by the Chadron State College Galaxy Series. The program was unique in that it provided a program of visuals, choreography, and the creative use of music ranging from classical to jazz to pop, literally bringing these tales into a new and brilliant light, with no speaking during the program.
Lightwire Theater was first introduced a couple of years ago on America's Got Talent. It was also offered to the public at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday evening. For a preview of what you child(ren) saw, you may access a short video by pasting
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
March Lunchroom Champions Are a Repeat
Mrs. Bounous's 1st Grade Class |
Mrs. Landreth's Kindergarten Class |
Mrs. Uhing's 2nd Grade Class |
Great job!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Box Tops for Education Winners
Mrs. Hoffman's Kindergarten Class |
Mrs. Hoffman's students were rewarded with a pajama and pizza party for winning the Box Top for Education competition by collecting 1,089 box tops. In addition to Mrs. Hoffman's classroom other results include Mrs Uhing's classroom with 800; Mrs. Landreth's classroom with 773; Mrs. Ferguson's classroom with 616; Mrs. Fisher's classroom with 572; Mrs. Hudson's classroom with 568;Mrs. Bounous' classroom with 540; Mrs. Gardner's classroom with 525; Mrs. Brayton's classroom with 441; Mrs. Cogdill's classroom with 423; Mrs. Claussen's classroom with 320; and Mrs. Hendrickson's classroom with 219.
Special Guest Visits Chadron Primary
Paige - Kindergarten Winner |
Afton (1st Grade) & Preston (2nd Grade) Winners |
The students at Chadron Primary School were surprised at lunchtime on Friday, March 21, with a visit from Lucky, a leprechaun from an unspecified location, along with Tracy Shuck and Linda Brownlee from Creative Dining, the provider of our school lunch.
Mr. Shuck announced the winners of the National Breakfast Week Coloring Contest and Ms. Brownee passed out Lucky Charms Cereal Bars to all of the students.
The winners of the contest were as follows: Paige Slingsby - Kindergarten (Mrs. Hoffman);
Afton Jimerson - 1st Grade (Mrs. Gardner); and Preston Russell - 2nd Grade (Mrs. Uhing). These students were recognized and rewarded with a gift card from Hibbett Sports.
The students were extremely excited about meeting Lucky and having the opportunity to shake his hand or give him a "high five." Some of the students asked if Lucky was the leprechaun who messed up their classrooms on St. Patrick's Day, but Mrs. Alcorn confirmed that Lucky was a "good" leprechaun and wouldn't participate in such a prank!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Events for Incoming Kindergartners Have Been Scheduled
The annual informational meeting for parents of potential Kindergarten students for the 2014-15 School Year has been scheduled for March 27, 2014, at 6:00 P.M. in the Primary School Gym.
Prior to and after the meeting, parents will be able to sign up their child for Kindergarten. Parents will be given information on the requirements for officially enrolling their child. The information will include eligibility requirements, immunization requirements, physical/vision requirements and other information pertinent to enrollment. In addition, parents will have an opportunity to meet the Kindergarten teachers. Please plan to attend this important meeting. If you are not able to attend, please call 432-0710 or stop by Chadron Primary School at 732 Ann Street for questions or to pick up a registration packet.
Kindergarten Visitation Day has been scheduled for Friday, May 2, from 8:00-11:00 A.M. During the visit, Kindergarten students for the 2014-15 School Year will have an opportunity to meet their teacher, their classmates, and learn what Kindergarten is about.
Current Kindergarten students will not attend school on that day.
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