Chadron State College students came to Chadron Primary School to help with some updates to keep traffic flowing. The college students were a part of the Mini Big Event which is a volunteer day mirroring the Big Event in the Spring. The Primary School was lucky to have some gals help with painting designated vehicle spots for our Stop, Drop, and Roll as well as a striped area for pulling in to park.

As you can see from the pictures, we have seven designated spots for vehicles to drop students off. We really need all families to respect the numbering system we have created to speed up the drop-off routine and help alleviate some of our traffic concerns. As you drive up the ramp, please pull up to spot #7, followed by spot #6, spot #5, and so on until we have all seven spots filled before stopping to drop off your child. If there is an open spot ahead of you on the ramp, please pull forward. Vehicles that have children that need a parent to exit the vehicle and assist them will need to pull into the black and red striped area in order to keep traffic flowing. In these striped areas, parents are welcome to park and help their child get situated but again, on our numbered spots, please do not exit your vehicle.

Our hope is that everyone will respect the new numbered system to help get students in the building more quickly and get adults off to start their day (keep in mind there are many more vehicles behind you). With colder weather on the way, we want to make our drop off more efficient. Please do not stop directly in front of the door when there are open spots ahead of you but pull forward to the next available numbered space. We also have our handicapped space and red loading zone that we ask you keep open. Thank you all for your assistance in moving students in quickly and keeping traffic flowing. Another reminder is that our ramp is a ONE WAY area, if our barrier is up for any reason, please find parking along Ann St., 7th St., 8th. St. or another area that is not a staff parking area and have your child walk to the front door. Occasionally we have slick and icy conditions on our ramp and for the safety of everyone, we will close access. Please do not pull up the ramp from North to South but rather find alternate parking. There is no parking, drop-off, or pick-up between the Primary School and Middle School nor behind either Primary or Middle schools as those are designated for staff and a safe area for students to walk. We also ask you please respect this ramp area when picking up your child from the Just For Kids after school program. You are more than welcome to call the Primary School at 432-0710 and have your child ready to be picked up but please park in the black and red striped areas to pick up your child and keep the ramp numbered areas clear. Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation in our ramp traffic!