Wednesday, January 24, 2018

100th Day and I LOVE Public Schools

Chadron Primary School is celebrating the 100th Day of School and I 💜  Public Schools!!  Our staff and students make the difference and we are so proud of how much wiser we all are.

Early morning crew making a difference - We 💙  Miss Charla!

Mrs. Sandstrom showing us how she will look at 100 - L👀 king Good!
A couple of our second graders looking wiser and older!💖

Two of our kindergarten kiddos and Princessipal Uhing showing some LOVE!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thank You Mr. Hencey

Art teacher Travis Hencey designed these snazzy new banners to decorate each of the 4 building for Chadron Public Schools.  The signs say it all, we are so fortunate to have the amazing teachers, staff, and students who all help to make our schools wonderful.  Stop by the Chadron Primary office to check out the new decor!  Thank you again Mr. Hencey and Dr. Winchester.

Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK Day Program

Chadron Primary Students will participate in the CSC MLK Day presentation; however, we will NOT be walking today with the cold temperatures.  Buses will transport children to and from the college.  Parents are welcome to attend.

District Dream Team Meeting January 17th @ 5:30

Dream Team Meeting
Wednesday, January 17 @ 5:30 PM in CO
All are welcome

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Perfect Attendance - 1st & 2nd Quarters

These students had perfect attendance for both first and second quarters.  We are excited to see so many eager learners that did not miss any school!  Congratulations to the students and their families for valuing education and attending every day! 

Cardinals of the Month - December

These students were able to have breakfast in the newly decorated Teachers' Lounge and as always it was a big treat for our Cardinals of the Month.  These students have gone above and beyond following our Cardinal Rules of 1)Be Safe 2)Be Respectful and 3)Be Responsible.  We are so proud of these students and applaud them for setting such great examples for their fellow classmates.  Congratulations kiddos, well deserved!

Enjoying the new table during breakfast!

Back Row (2nd Grade):  Matthew S., Izaak H., Thaivunh S., and Anabelle V.
Middle Row (1st Grade):  Easton A., Jett P., and Arian M. - missing Kody K.
Front Row (Kindergarten):  Jess W., Rylan R., Julia N., and Temperance T.

Goofy students before the business of the school day 😜

First Grade:  Kody K.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Teachers' Lounge Make Over

Chadron Community Church honored our teachers by providing Chadron Primary School with a teachers' lounge make over.  Pastor Jason Corbit and his wife Kristy presented the congregation of C3 with the idea to embrace the staff by updating the lounge.  An outpouring of support from the congregation and community members helped bring the idea to fruition.  Members of the congregation also volunteered their time over the winter break by helping to clean, paint, move furniture, and redo countertops.  Chadron Primary School staff was in awe with the unveiling yesterday and were also treated to snacks and flowers from Mr. and Mrs. Corbit.  We would also like to thank the following businesses for their aid:  Ace Hardware, Bruce Hill Furniture, Eric Gremm, Kountry Junkin', and Wal-Mart.  It is an AMAZING space that offers our teachers a place of fellowship and peace.  We thank Pastor and Mrs. Corbit and all of the C3 congregation for their work, donations, time, and effort. 


